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November 1

Light Behind the Cloud

But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. — John 16:7 BSB

The disciples thought that Christ’s departure would be an irretrievable loss for them. It felt like the crushing of all their hopes. They believed they would be left in darkness and loneliness because they had based all their expectations of the Messiah on Him remaining with them and ruling as a king. Not only were they about to lose the dearest friend they had ever known, but they were also losing the one they trusted as the promised Deliverer and Savior. To them, there was no silver lining in the dark cloud of His departure.

But Jesus told them, "It is better for you that I go away." There was indeed a silver lining in that black cloud. What seemed like an irreparable loss would, in the end, become a gain. The disciples didn’t understand this at the time, but they had the Master’s word for it.

The same is true for all of Christ’s followers today when He calls away our loved ones. We can easily see how it is good for our Christian friends when Christ takes them—they exchange the troubles of earth for the joys of heaven. There is no question that death is gain for those who depart; but what about those left behind? What about the friends who remain, with broken hearts, to walk the lonely paths of earth? This word of Christ applies to them as well: "It is better for you that I go away." We may not understand it, just as the disciples didn’t understand how Christ’s leaving them could be better than His staying. But in time, they saw the truth of His words, and so shall we. If we submit to God in faith, we will come to know that even the departure of our loved ones can become a blessing. "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God."

Daily Word of God - November 1

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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