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May 4
Heaven Brought to Us
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. — Matt 6:10 BSB
This is a very all-encompassing prayer. It asks for the spread of God’s spiritual kingdom in this world—His reign over human hearts and lives, and the submission of the world’s kingdoms to His rule. It’s a prayer that people would turn from their sins, change their lives, accept Christ as their king, and submit every thought and desire to Him. It’s not a prayer to escape to heaven, but a desire for heaven to come down to us, into our hearts and lives.
We’re in danger of focusing too much on other people when we pray this prayer, asking for God’s kingdom to come into their lives. But the piece of the world we are most responsible for is the one inside our own hearts and lives. So, when we pray, “Your kingdom come,” we should first look inward to see if we have submitted to Christ’s reign.
Your kingdom here?
Lord, can it be?
Searching and seeking everywhere
For many years,
“Your kingdom come” has been my prayer;
Was that dear kingdom all the while so near?
Was I the barrier
Which kept me out
From the full joy experienced by those
Whose spirits are
In Your kingdom’s embrace—
The blessed kingdom that seemed so far?
Let me not wait
Another hour
Idly hoping for what is mine to find,
Blinded by doubt.
Lord Jesus, break these walls of self and sin;
Tear down the gate, so I may enter in.