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May 31
Footprints of Christ
So He replied, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. — Luke 7:22 BSB
John wanted to know whether Jesus truly was the Messiah. Instead of presenting arguments to prove His identity, Jesus pointed to His works. The best evidence of Christ’s divinity isn’t found in a list of proof-texts from Scripture, but in the works He did and continues to do. When an atheist once asked an Eastern man how he knew there was a God, the man responded by asking, “How do I know whether it was a man or a camel that passed my tent last night?” He knew by the footprints left behind. Then he pointed to the setting sun and asked, “Whose footprint is that?”
We can look at the footprints of Christ and ask the same question: Whose are these? Look at the works He left behind—the healing of the sick, the raising of the dead, the comforting of the sorrowful. Look at the legacy of Christ in our world today: churches, missions, hospitals, homes filled with love, lives transformed by His grace. These are the footprints of Christ. They are the best evidence of His divinity. He wants us to judge Him, not by His claims, but by His works. The world is still full of proof that Jesus is divine.
In the same way, we must prove that we belong to Christ, not merely by holding church membership or proclaiming our faith, but by showing Christ’s character in our daily lives. Our actions—unselfishness, kindness, love—are the evidence of our faith. When someone asks if we are Christians, we should be able to respond, “Look at my life and my works, and you will see.”