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May 15
One Day at a Time
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own. — Matt 6:34 BSB
The final reason Jesus gives against worrying about the future is that the future isn’t our concern. God gives us life one day at a time—just one day. Each day comes with its own duties, needs, trials, temptations, and sorrows. God gives us enough strength for the day He provides, with all that comes with it. But if we insist on dragging tomorrow’s worries into today, we won’t have enough strength to carry the load. God won’t add strength just to accommodate our anxieties and distrust.
So, the lesson is to keep each day separate and focus on what it brings. Charles Kingsley says, “Do today’s duty, fight today’s temptation, and don’t weaken yourself by looking ahead to things you can’t see and wouldn’t understand even if you could.” The future isn’t ours to manage—we can only prepare for it by faithfully fulfilling today’s duties.
No one is ever crushed by the burdens of just one day. We can always carry our heaviest load until the sun goes down, and that’s all we ever have to do. Tomorrow? We might not even have a tomorrow; we could be in heaven. If we are still here, God will be here too, and He will give us new strength to meet the challenges of the new day.
One day at a time. A burden too great
To be carried for two can be borne for one;
Who knows what tomorrow may bring through the gate?
While we are speaking, all may be done.
One day at a time, however hard,
Whatever its load, whatever its length;
And there’s a piece of precious Scripture to say
That according to each, there shall be strength.