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May 1

Secret Prayer

But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. — Matt 6:6 BSB

One of the most important things we can ever do in this world is to pray. No business we conduct anywhere touches the core of our lives as deeply. That’s why we should learn to pray properly, so we can be confident in receiving an answer. We should eagerly seek even the smallest bit of instruction about prayer.

In today’s scripture, we have one of Jesus’ clearest and most meaningful teachings about how and what we should pray. He’s not talking about public prayer, like when a pastor leads the congregation, but about personal prayer, when a child of God wants to speak with their Father, sharing their own concerns and burdens. We should seek to be alone during this kind of prayer. The presence of others can distract us and limit our freedom. So, Jesus instructs us to “go into your room” and “shut the door.”

This shutting of the door is significant in many ways. It keeps the world out, securing us from interruptions. It should also shut out worldly thoughts, distractions, and cares, not just the presence of other people. Distraction in prayer is often one of our biggest challenges.

It also shuts us in, and this too is meaningful. It shuts us in alone with God. No one else sees us as we bow in secret. No one else hears us as we pour out our heart’s desires and feelings. This helps us realize that we are in God’s presence alone, and that only He can help us.

Being alone with God also means being fully present with Him. The comforting truth is that when we pray, we are not just speaking into the air. There is someone listening, even if we cannot see Him—it’s the ear of our Father. This gives us confidence that we have loving attention in heaven and can expect a prompt, gracious answer.

Daily Word of God - May 1

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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