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March 28
She Ministered unto Them
So He went to her, took her by the hand, and helped her up. The fever left her, and she began to serve them. — Mark 1:31 BSB
This is exactly what Jesus does for those who are sick in body, sick in soul, or down in any way and unable to rise. He doesn’t stand at a distance, calling them to come to Him. Instead, He goes to them with a warm heart and a helping hand. This is how we should learn to help one another—by extending a strong, uplifting hand to those who are struggling. Many people fall and perish who could have been saved if someone had reached out to help them in Christ’s name.
The example of this woman who was healed must not be missed. Christ gave her back her life, and what better way to use it than by devoting it to His service? She didn’t just express her gratitude in words or emotions but in action. She immediately rose and began serving Jesus and His disciples. Her service was practical and helpful. She didn’t wait for an opportunity to do something grand for Jesus; she simply did the next thing that needed to be done, offering the humble attentions of a good hostess.
There are important lessons here. Anyone who is restored to health, whether through ordinary or extraordinary means, should quickly dedicate their life to God’s service. Life is given back for a purpose, and it would be disloyal to God not to devote it to Him. Many people dream of doing great things for Christ but miss the small, everyday opportunities to serve Him. True ministry begins with faithfully doing our daily duties.