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March 26
Fishers of Men
“Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” — Mark 1:17 BSB
Personal attachment to Jesus is the foundation of all Christian life. Believing a creed doesn’t make someone a Christian. We can believe everything in the Bible about Christ and still not be His disciple. A Christian is someone who has joined Christ’s cause in this world and attached themselves to Him as a follower. All of Jesus’ invitations make this clear. He said, “Come to me,” “Believe in me,” and “Follow me.” He always called people to personally identify with Him. Once they are united with Him, and He has given them His Spirit, He begins to use them. But He can’t use anyone in the work of saving souls until they truly belong to Him.
Becoming a “fisher of men” isn’t something we can do like learning a trade or a profession. Colleges and seminaries can’t make someone a “fisher of men.” They can teach people to think, write, and speak. They can teach theology and make students experts in various disciplines. But these skills don’t make someone a “fisher of men.” These abilities might help in spiritual work if they are dedicated to Christ, but it’s Christ alone who can make someone a true “fisher of men.”
Sunday school teachers should remember this. No matter how much they learn in training sessions or teachers’ meetings, they must still go to Christ to learn how to win the souls of their students.