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February 6

The Nazareth Home

and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophets: “He will be called a Nazarene.” — Matt 2:23 BSB

In that small village, Jesus lived until He was ready for His public ministry. It’s a comforting thought that the Son of God spent so many years in a home on earth. His pure and sinless life blossomed there, like a flower, spreading fragrance over the humble place.

Even though the Gospels give us only a few glimpses of Jesus’ childhood and youth, these glimpses should be an inspiration to every child and young person. While we may wish we knew more about His early life, the little we are told is enough—if God had wanted us to know more, He would have revealed it.

We know there was no sin in Jesus, so we can imagine His gentleness, obedience, love, unselfishness, and all the other virtues that made up His character. He was a natural child—happy, joyful, interested in beauty, studious, and earnest, but not overly serious or gloomy. He was the kind of boy God loves, and the kind every boy should aspire to be.

We catch a glimpse of Him at age twelve, beginning to think about His relationship with His heavenly Father. But we also see that He returned to Nazareth and resumed His role of obedient son, staying there for another eighteen years. The “Father’s business” at that time wasn’t preaching or performing miracles—it was simply being a dutiful child, a helpful young man, and a growing, industrious person.

Some young people feel frustrated by the years they spend in quiet, obscure homes, doing ordinary tasks. But if Jesus found His home in Nazareth a wide enough sphere for His life, surely we should be content with whatever home God has placed us in.

Daily Word of God - February 6

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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