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February 4

Guardian Angels

When the Magi had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up!” he said. “Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.” — Matt 2:13 BSB

Here we catch a glimpse of Heaven’s close watch over the endangered child, Jesus. A wicked king was plotting to kill Him, and His earthly protectors couldn’t shield Him. But in that moment of human weakness, Heaven swiftly moved to shelter and save Him. The destiny of the human race rested on this child’s life, and all of God’s power was at His disposal to ensure His safety. It’s comforting to know that Heaven keeps the same close and careful watch over every child. As the poet says, “Heaven lies about us in our infancy,” and it’s true for every child. Jesus Himself said, referring to children, “Their angels always see the face of My Father in heaven.” This means that the most powerful and favored angels are assigned to guard children.

Parents should never forget that their children are very dear to God and are under His constant protection. This truth should bring great comfort as their little ones face the dangers of the world. No human eye can watch them at all times, and no human hand can protect them from every danger. But unseen guardians are always by their side. Heaven is deeply invested in the care of every child. Christian parents can entrust their children to God with complete confidence. If they are faithful in their role as parents, God will not let them down.

Children, too, should know that they are being cared for by unseen guardians. Angels may not appear to us visibly today, but they are constantly around us, guarding our homes and watching over us day and night. Though we may not see their bright faces, their loving care never stops.

Daily Word of God - February 4

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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