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August 31

Christ's Yoke True Freedom

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. — John 8:32 BSB

Self-confidence is a danger even for those with the truest piety. We can easily forget that we are nothing without Christ and that He is our all in all. Today, children of godly parents must be especially on guard against the same error that led the ancient Jews astray. How they could consider themselves “free” when Roman soldiers stood guard around their city is hard to comprehend.

These errors are common. Many people take pride in their ancestry above all else. While it’s a privilege to come from a good family, this alone cannot secure our salvation. The first question may be, "Who is your father?" but in the end, we must each personally accept Christ. Our parents may lead us to Christ as children, but when we are old enough, we must choose Him for ourselves.

Then there is the illusion of freedom while one is truly in bondage. Many people living in sin imagine they are the only free ones. They reject the restraints of religion, thinking themselves free while seeing those who follow Christ as slaves. Sin can play strange tricks on us. Just as insane people may dress in rags and believe they are kings, so too does sin make its followers believe they are free when they are in chains. But true freedom is found only in wearing Christ’s yoke. None are free but those who serve Him.

Daily Word of God - August 31

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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