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August 21

Make me Clean

Jesus invited a little child to stand among them. — Matt 18:2 BSB

The child preached the sermon. By standing in Jesus’ arms, the child’s presence rebuked the disciples’ ambition. The child seemed to say, “Shame on you for arguing about who is the greatest. Look at me. I am much higher in the kingdom of heaven than you are. You must let go of your pride and become as lowly and simple as a child, or you won’t have any place in the kingdom at all, much less a high place.” Little children are constantly preaching sermons to us if we are willing to hear them. In their innocence, simplicity, and purity, they influence others in ways that words cannot describe. Children are, in fact, the greatest preachers, and their lives are the most eloquent sermons.

The image of Jesus holding the child in His arms is a beautiful one. It perfectly represents the relationship between the soul and the Saviour in salvation and throughout the Christian life. Jesus takes the child into His arms, a picture of love, tenderness, and protection. The bosom is the place of warmth, affection, and intimacy. The arms provide safety, support, and shelter. Just as Jesus lifted the child and held him close, so He carries His people through this world. He doesn’t just point the way for us to go—He carries us, bearing both our burdens and our very selves, through life and even through death.

Now look at the picture from the other side—the child resting in Jesus’ arms. This is an image of trust, confidence, peace, love, and joy—the very feelings that characterize the true Christian. What a place of refuge the bosom of Christ is, in danger, in storms, in sorrow, and in death! Shall we not learn to rest in our Saviour’s arms in all of life’s experiences?

Daily Word of God - August 21

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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