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August 19

The Unfailing Helper

“O unbelieving and perverse generation!” Jesus replied. “How long must I remain with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy here to Me.” — Matt 17:17 BSB

The disciples had failed in their attempt to cast out the demon, but there was still hope. The Master Himself was now present, and He could not fail. This should give great encouragement to all who are trying to help others transform their lives into spiritual beauty. When parents have done all they can to shape their children’s character, making them true and beautiful, and yet have failed, they can bring them to Jesus. He can cast out the evil within them, give them new hearts, and fill them with His Holy Spirit, transforming them into His likeness.

When teachers struggle with difficult students who seem immune to all their efforts, they too should bring them to Jesus. Christ can take these seemingly incorrigible children and turn them into something beautiful. When troubled souls can’t find comfort or help from the Church or from ministers, they should go directly to Christ. He alone can comfort. In every situation where we experience defeat, Christ stands ready to turn our failure into victory. Just as the disciples had fished all night in vain but succeeded when they cast their nets at the Lord’s bidding, so too, in the shadows of our own failures, Christ stands ready to give His blessing.

There is another important lesson here. It is to Christ Himself, not just the Church, school, or minister, that we must bring our children and friends. A teacher cannot regenerate a child’s heart. The Church cannot change their nature. A minister cannot cast out the evil within. Unless we truly bring people to Christ, they will remain unchanged. Baptism does not cleanse the heart, and the Lord’s Supper does not impart grace into the soul. We must bring ourselves and others directly to Christ.

Daily Word of God - August 19

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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