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August 15

Heavenly Messengers

Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus. — Matt 17:3 BSB

These two heavenly messengers—Moses and Elijah—were speaking with Jesus about His approaching death. This conversation offers several insights. First, it reminds us that Jesus’ death was part of God’s divine plan. It wasn’t an accident or a failure. Heaven was fully aware that He would die on the cross.

Another thought is that Moses and Elijah were sent to encourage Jesus as He prepared to journey toward Jerusalem and face the sorrows and suffering that awaited Him there. Just as Jesus had a vision of glory and a voice of divine approval before His temptation in the wilderness, now, before He set out on the road to the cross, He received this vision and these heavenly visitors to strengthen Him for the ordeal ahead.

These heavenly visits also give us a glimpse into the activities of the redeemed in heaven. These two men were sent from glory to comfort and support a weary spirit on its mission of suffering. Could it be that this will be part of our work in heaven as well? It’s wonderful to imagine that we will be sent from place to place, from world to world, on missions of love. The idea that we will spend eternity in idle rest is not supported by Scripture. We are to be like Christ, and He is never idle but constantly engaged in loving service. We are to be like the angels, who are sent to minister to the heirs of salvation. One description of heaven is “His servants shall serve Him.” Service will still be the highest honor, and those who serve will still be the greatest. Our work here on earth is only training for greater work in heaven.

Daily Word of God - August 15

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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