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April 7
Strength Bestowed
“I tell you, get up, pick up your mat, and go home.” — Mark 2:11 BSB
That was surely a strange command to give to a paralyzed man. He couldn’t rise, lift his bed, or take a single step. He was as helpless as a corpse. Why would Jesus ask him to do something that seemed impossible? But as we watch, the man immediately starts to move. His limbs respond, and he stands up, picks up his bed, and walks away in full view of everyone. As we see him walking, we learn that when Christ gives a command, even if it seems impossible, he always gives the strength needed to fulfill it. The moment the man willed to obey Jesus, strength flowed into his paralyzed body, and he was able to stand and walk.
The same is true in the spiritual life. We don’t have the strength on our own to do Christ’s will, but when we begin to obey, the needed grace is given. Young people often say they’re afraid to start a Christian life because they don’t think they can live up to the requirements. And in their own strength, they can’t. It would be as impossible for them as climbing to the stars. Human strength alone isn’t enough for life’s challenges. But when a young Christian sets out to follow Christ, trusting him to provide what’s needed, they will always find help at the right moment.
Older Christians may also hesitate to take on certain duties because they feel inadequate, but for them and for all who try to serve in obedience to Christ, the act of trying will always bring the strength to succeed.
We should also notice that the strength doesn’t come until we try to obey. If we refuse to make the effort, we’ll remain paralyzed, but when we make an attempt, life flows into us, and we become strong.