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April 20

The Golden Rule

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. — Matt 5:7 BSB

In this world, people generally get back what they give. If we think the world is hard on us, it’s likely that the hardness is within ourselves. The harshness we hear is probably the echo of our own words, the pain we feel may be the result of our own actions, and the ugliness we see may be the reflection of our own attitudes. If we are untrue to others, it’s likely that someone will be untrue to us. If we are unjust, we can expect that injustice will eventually come our way.

On the other hand, if we find the world full of love, it’s probably because we give love to others. People generally treat us the way we treat them. The generous person finds others generous. The sympathetic person finds sympathy. The merciful person receives mercy. But the selfish person always sees the world as selfish.

This is the deep principle behind the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” What we give to others, we will receive in return. If we want mercy, we must show mercy. If we expect sympathy and help, we must give them. We simply need to put ourselves in others' shoes and ask how we would want to be treated in their situation. People don’t usually return warmth for coldness, courtesy for rudeness, or kindness for unkindness.

This principle even applies to how God treats us. In His judgment, we receive according to our deeds. The person who forgives others is the one who will be forgiven. The person who shows mercy will find mercy. The person Christ will confess before the Father is the one who confesses Christ before others. In eternity, we will reap what we have sown and gather what we have scattered.

Daily Word of God - April 20

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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