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April 12

The Great Physician

For He had healed so many that all who had diseases were pressing forward to touch Him. — Mark 3:10 BSB

Even though the plots of his enemies drove Jesus out of the city, they didn’t stop him from doing good. Some may have rejected his love, but his heart remained open. While Capernaum lost much when he left, the crowds that followed him received his gracious blessings.

This often happens. The gifts of love that Christ offers are sometimes rejected by those they’re first offered to, but they’re then carried to others who receive them gladly. Persecution often scatters the seed that it intended to destroy. When the first Christians were driven from Jerusalem, they carried the word with them to the surrounding regions. They “went everywhere preaching.” Opposition should never silence those who carry the words of life. If one person rejects us, we should take our message to another.

The picture of the crowds pressing in on Christ, each one eager to touch him, is vivid and powerful. A single touch was enough. All who touched him were made whole. Life and healing flowed into their diseased bodies at the moment of contact.

A touch is still enough. Anyone who truly touches Christ is healed. But we must be sure to actually touch him. It’s not enough to be part of the crowd. One person may receive a great blessing while sitting next to another who receives nothing. The difference is that one reaches out in faith to touch Christ, while the other doesn’t. We may be just as close to Christ as the one who is blessed, but unless we reach out in faith, we will receive no blessing.

Daily Word of God - April 12

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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