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September 8
In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting for God, for whom and through whom all things exist, to make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. — Heb 2:10 BSB
When we can look at God the Son with the eyes of faith as the eternal salvation of all whom the Father gave to him; when we can, by faith, see him coming into this world, taking on our human nature and uniting it with his divine person; when we follow him in faith into the dark garden of Gethsemane or see him groaning, bleeding, and dying on the cross, bearing shame and dishonor, and we believe that this was the only way salvation could be achieved—oh, what a view it gives us of the terrible and dreadful nature of sin! It shows us that nothing less than the incarnation of God’s only begotten Son and such a great sacrifice could remove sin and bring the chosen ones back to God.
As we look at the suffering and dying Lamb of God, it shows us, on one hand, the horrifying nature of sin. But on the other hand, when we see by faith the work accomplished by the Son of God, equal with the Father in glory and majesty, and how glorious and powerful that work must be, it magnifies the wonder of salvation in our eyes!
A believing view of the Lord Jesus on the cross not only shows us the dreadful weight of sin but also reveals how full, complete, glorious, and effective that salvation is, of which the dying Son of God declared, "It is finished!"