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May 7
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with loving devotion. — Jer 31:3 BSB
There can be no new thought in the mind of God. New thoughts, feelings, plans, and resolutions constantly arise in our minds because we are fallen, fickle, and changeable beings. But God has no new thoughts or plans because He is the unchanging "I Am." His thoughts, plans, and ways are eternal, infinite, and unchangeable, just like Himself.
The same is true for Christ's love for the Church. His love is eternal and unchanging because He loves as God. We must never lose sight of the deity of Jesus. He loved the Church in eternity as the Son of God, even before His incarnation. That was the fruit of His love. Christ’s love has no beginning, for it existed as long as He has existed—from eternity. Neither can it have an end, for it will only end with Himself. And since He has no end, His love will never end either. His love, then, is like Himself, eternal and everlasting.
What a mercy it is for those who have experienced the love of Christ to know that it is from everlasting to everlasting! No incident of time, no storm of sin or Satan can ever change or alter that love. It remains the same now and for all eternity.