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May 12

But I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my helper and deliverer; O my God, do not delay. — Ps 40:17 BSB

Are there not times in your soul when you think deeply upon the Lord? When you lie awake at night, meditating on God, His truth, His love, His word, and His dealings with your soul, and your desires, prayers, and longings are directed toward Him? Isn’t this evidence that you are thinking upon His name? And be assured, if you are thinking upon Him, it is because He has thought upon you.

Look at the world around you. Do they think upon God? Do they feel Jesus as precious to their souls? Do they thirst for Him as a deer pants for water? No, their inner language is, “There is no God.” But through God’s mercy, you can say that you think upon Him. And even if you can’t be fully assured, this is still some evidence that He is thinking upon you. If He is thinking upon you, His thoughts are thoughts of good, not of evil—thoughts of peace. Does He not know your heart? Doesn’t His holy gaze see the deepest recesses of your soul?

If He thinks upon you, He will never leave you, abandon you, or forsake you in your time of need. He who thought of you from eternity will think of you in every trial, every temptation, every sickness, and in the solemn hour when your soul and body part. Through life and death, He will continue to think upon you and will bring you to His heavenly abode, where His thoughts will forever be upon His people, and His people will forever think upon Him.

Daily Wisdom - May 12

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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