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March 8

When you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our trespasses, — Col 2:13 BSB

Christ’s resurrection was the sure pledge and meritorious cause of the Church’s regeneration. The entire body of the elect was “quickened together with Christ,” as well as raised up together with Him—mystically quickened in a spiritual regeneration of the soul and raised up in a mystical resurrection of the body. How remarkable it is that every soul quickened to spiritual life throughout time is quickened because they were mystically united to Christ when He rose from the dead.

Think of the entire body of the elect, dead in sin. Then consider them being brought to life, one by one, throughout the ages. Reflect on the divine power required for each person’s regeneration. Now picture the resurrection of Christ’s dead body and the whole body of the elect being mystically quickened with Him. Do you not see an act of infinite power, power in perfect harmony with love and grace? Where are the eyes of your faith if you cannot see this? Where is your love if you do not adore this act of grace toward the Church, united with her covenant Head? Wasn’t it a mighty act of power and love that, in one moment and by one act, mystically quickened millions of souls who will live forever in God’s presence?

Daily Wisdom - March 8

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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