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July 18
What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain. Then he will bring forth the capstone accompanied by shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’ — Zech 4:7 BSB
If the literal temple had been built without any trouble, if everything had gone smoothly and easily, there wouldn’t have been any shout of “Grace, grace” when it was completed. But when the people saw how the Lord had brought back a few weak exiles from Babylon, how he had sustained them through all their hardships, and how the one who laid the foundation also placed the head-stone, everyone who witnessed it could shout, “Grace, grace unto it.” It was the very trials and perplexities that made them shout so joyfully, and it made their hearts leap when their lips cried out “Grace, grace.”
And who will shout the loudest in the future? The one who has experienced the greatest depths of sin dragging them down into grief and sorrow, and the overwhelming triumph of grace lifting them up in joy. Who will have the most reason to sing, “Grace, grace?” The lost and ruined soul who feared they were headed to hell a thousand times, yet was delivered by sovereign grace and brought into the glory and joy of heaven. Only those who have painfully and deeply known the bitterness of sin and the evil of a depraved heart, but also experienced the triumphant power of grace overcoming it all, will be fit to join in that song. And no one else will.