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January 29

A wise man fears and turns from evil, but a fool is careless and reckless. — Prov 14:16 BSB

No true Christian can be satisfied with a notional religion. Even if they fall into sin and are like the prodigal feeding swine, they cannot find nourishment in the husks—they long for the bread of their Father’s house. When the eyes of the soul are opened to see the nature of sin, the justice and holiness of God, and the filthiness of self, the quickened soul finds no rest until it experiences a precious discovery of the Lamb of God. The more the soul is tested with trials, temptations, doubts, and difficulties, the more it feels its need for the blood of Christ that speaks better things than Abel’s.

What value does a Christian have without inward trials and afflictions? Without them, our prayers become dead and lifeless; our worship becomes cold and formal. Where are the deep cries, groans, and longings of a soul that is at ease in Zion? When we become complacent, the world becomes everything and Christ nothing. But when inward struggles, fears, and temptations come, the soul is stirred to cry out for mercy. It is in these moments, when guilt, fear, and disquietude grip the soul, that the reality of eternal things is felt most keenly.

At such times, mere notions of Christ, false hope, dead faith, and presumptuous confidence are swept away as refuges of lies. The soul feels its nakedness, guilt, and helplessness before God, and this paves the way for the soul to discover Christ anew—His blood, His righteousness, His person, His grace, and His work. This is life and peace.

Daily Wisdom - January 29

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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