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January 14
“Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” — 2 Cor 6:17 BSB
If we are entangled in the love of the world, or bound by worldly concerns, with the spirit of the world alive in our hearts, our profession of faith will be hollow, if not entirely worthless. We may use the language of prayer, but our heart won’t be sincere; we may still maintain an outward appearance of truth, but its power and blessings will not be experienced or felt.
To enjoy any real communion with the Lord—whether in His suffering on the cross or His glory on the throne—we must step away from the world, which stands in opposition to Him. We must also step away from our own self, for denying self, renouncing it, and stepping away from it is at the very heart of true godliness. There must be “a putting to death, through the Spirit, of the deeds of the body,” and “a constant dying to self for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be revealed in our mortal flesh.” Without this crucifixion of self, we cannot walk in union with Christ or have communion with Him, for there can be no partnership between Christ, the soul, and self any more than there can be between Christ, the soul, and sin.