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February 5

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. — John 1:17 BSB

To learn truth, we must be in constant prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether lying in bed or going about daily tasks, we should be looking up to the Lord on His throne of grace, asking Him to teach us. He is the best teacher, and the words He speaks are spirit and life. What He writes on our hearts will endure through every storm.

We often forget what we learn from others, but what we learn from Jesus is never forgotten. Men can deceive us—Christ cannot. We cannot fully trust any human teacher, no matter how much truth they speak, for it is always mixed with human weakness. But what we receive from Jesus is pure and powerful. While I may preach the truth to you, it is the Lord who must speak it into your soul for it to do you any real good. So look beyond me and look to Him, the one who alone can teach us both. By turning to Jesus in the deepest part of your soul, you will draw living truth from His heart to yours and come to know the blessed reality of His words: “I am the truth.”

Daily Wisdom - February 5

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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