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December 3

The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He drives out the enemy before you, giving the command, ‘Destroy him!’ — Deut 33:27 BSB

There’s so much sweetness in the contrast between the eternal God being the refuge for His people and the false refuges so many seek out. God's people need an eternal refuge. They have souls that will never die, and only an eternal refuge is enough for a never-dying soul. Works are for this life; but a soul that will live forever needs something that will last beyond the end of works and wonders. Doctrines, opinions, sentiments, ordinances, human praise, and flattery—these are all of the earth and will fail when a person dies.

But the child of God needs a refuge, not only to anchor their soul during this life but also when time comes to an end. When the angel declares, "There will be no more time," and the soul is freed from the body and brought into the presence of the eternal God, it will still need to find refuge in Him. In fact, all throughout eternity, in the endless ages to come, the soul will continue to need a refuge. If, for even a moment, it were without Christ, if the refuge were anything less than eternal, the frowns of God would cast it into destruction. Only an eternal God can be a refuge for a never-dying soul.

It doesn't say, "His grace is your refuge," because grace will lead to glory. Nor does it say, "His mercy is your refuge," for mercy will lead to blessing and praise. It doesn't even say, "His attributes or perfections are a refuge." Instead, it leads the soul directly to God Himself, as though even His gifts and mercies were not enough. The immortal soul needs the immortal God; the never-dying spirit is only safe in the arms of the eternal Lord.

Daily Wisdom - December 3

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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