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August 31

I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. — Rom 8:18 BSB

What can compare to the salvation of the soul? What are riches, honors, health, or a long life compared to this? What are all the pleasures the world can offer, sin promises, or the flesh enjoys? What is everything that men call good or great—everything that the eye has seen or the ear has heard—compared to being saved in the Lord Jesus Christ with an everlasting salvation?

Consider not only what we are saved unto, but also what we are saved from. We are saved from a burning hell and brought to a blissful heaven, from endless wrath to eternal glory. We are delivered from the dreadful company of devils and the damned, who torment and are tormented, and brought into the blessed fellowship of glorified saints, all perfectly conformed to the image of Christ in both body and soul. We are joined by thousands upon thousands of holy angels, and most of all, we will see the glorious Son of God as He is, in all the perfection of His beauty and the overwhelming joy of His presence and love.

To be forever free from all the sorrows, troubles, and afflictions of this life, from all the pain and suffering in our earthly bodies, from all the darkness, bondage, and misery that comes from living in a body of sin and death. To be perfectly holy in both body and soul, without spot or blemish, and to enjoy uninterrupted union and communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—O, what a glorious heaven lies before the believing saints of God! It is the ultimate fulfillment of their faith, the salvation of their souls.

Daily Wisdom - August 31

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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