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August 29
He sent forth His word and healed them; He rescued them from the Pit. — Ps 107:20 BSB
What a difference one word from God can make! Whether it comes while reading, praying, hearing a sermon, or in secret meditation, when a word from the Lord drops into the soul with divine power, everything changes. Only God’s divine power can bring a sinner out of misery. When this word comes, it works instantly—it heals all the wounds caused by sin and repairs all the damage that folly has made in the conscience. One word from God heals everything. The Lord doesn’t come to heal one wound at a time, putting plasters here and there. Just as He did during His time on earth, He heals fully, at once, and completely.
An earthly doctor heals in stages—treating one sore with a plaster, another with a liniment, addressing each issue individually. But when the Lord heals, He does it all at once. The balm of Gilead flows over every wound and makes them perfectly whole. It is like the woman with the issue of blood: “She felt in her body that she was healed of her plague.” This is true healing! One word from God, a true word from God, does this in an instant. If you receive just one word from God that assures you that you are His child and that you are saved by His love and mercy, every wound, no matter how many, will be healed immediately. This is the only kind of healing worth having.
To be healed by “evidences” is like being healed by plasters. You need one evidence here and another there, just as a man with sores needs a plaster for each wound. But one word from God is the true and only “heal-all,” and Jesus, Jehovah-Rapha, is the only true and infallible Physician. If you want complete healing, look to the Lord, not to man; be like Hezekiah, not Asa.