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August 2

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession before many witnesses. — 1 Tim 6:12 BSB

It is through faith that God’s power to keep his people is made known. It’s encouraging to trace how the power of God connects with the exercise of faith in our hearts. We aren't carried to heaven like passengers on an express train, able to fall asleep, gaze out the window, or read without worrying about reaching our destination. Although we are kept by the power of God, we must fight every step of the way.

This living, fighting, struggling, and ultimately conquering faith sets the true, tested child of God apart from the casual, careless believer who assumes they are safe, even while walking in sinful ways. To them, we might say what James said: “You believe that the elect of God are kept by his Almighty power for salvation. 'You do well; the devils also believe and tremble'”—but you do not tremble if you live loosely. Does God truly keep you? Does He keep you from evil, so it doesn’t harm you? Does He keep your conscience tender, your heart prayerful, and your walk steady? Does He guard your eyes, your tongue, and your actions from sin and selfishness? If you have no experience of how God keeps you, you lack evidence of being an heir of God. Whenever we falter, it’s due to unbelief; whenever we stand and prevail, it’s through faith.

Daily Wisdom - August 2

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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