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April 5
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes, I will give the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone inscribed with a new name, known only to the one who receives it. — Rev 2:17 BSB
How often does God's Word feel like a sealed book to you? How often do you hear encouraging sermons, yet find no encouragement in them? How often do you hear Christ proclaimed in His person, blood, and righteousness, only to walk away unchanged, without relief? Why is this? It is because you are overcome by unbelief, bondage, darkness, and insensitivity, all of which prevent you from feeding on the manna of God's Word.
But sometimes a gracious word pierces through the hills and mountains of unbelief, bondage, doubt, and fear. As this word reaches your heart, you shout victory over all your foes and fears. Then the Word of God opens itself in its sweetness and blessedness, and the Lord brings out the hidden manna. In that moment, the Word of God becomes sweet and precious to your soul.
At times, you may read God's Word as a dry and barren task, merely to satisfy your conscience. When does that happen? When you are trapped in unbelief and bondage. But at other times, you read the Word of God with joy, and it becomes the joy and rejoicing of your heart. This happens when you can believe in it, for faith turns the Word of God into manna. If you are spiritually barren, the Word seems barren; if you are spiritually dead, the Word seems dead. But when the scene changes, and the clouds disperse, you see light in God's light. Then the Bible becomes a blessed, precious book, filled with sweet promises and encouraging invitations. In this way, the overcomer receives the hidden manna.