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April 21

But as for you, do you seek great things for yourself? Stop seeking! For I will bring disaster on every living creature, declares the LORD, but wherever you go, I will grant your life as a spoil of war. — Jer 45:5 BSB

Whatever plans and schemes God's people may devise to succeed and prosper in this world, the Lord rarely allows them to thrive. He knows well where that path would lead—that like ivy choking a tree, worldly success would suffocate their spiritual life. The more worldly goods increase, the more the heart is drawn to them, and the more it is pulled away from the Lord. So, He says to His people, both through His word and His providence, “Do not seek these things.”

But you may ask, “What should we seek then?” I will answer in one word: Realities.

What are the things you are seeking in religion? If you saw them clearly, you would see they are often only shadows. For instance, you may feel deficient in public prayer or private conversation, lacking the fluency or ability to express yourself in a way that impresses others. You may desire what are called “gifts”—a greater ability to quote Scripture, more eloquence, and the ability to make a deep impression on those around you. But in reality, your desire is for the esteem of others.

Yet what will these gifts do for you when you are on your deathbed, with eternity in view and your soul facing God alone? You will not desire gifts then—only grace will matter. Grace is the only thing that can help you in that final hour.

Daily Wisdom - April 21

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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