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April 18

The salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their stronghold in time of trouble. — Ps 37:39 BSB

Times of trouble are sent to try the saints, for "the Lord tests the righteous." Yet the promise remains—“He is their strength in the time of trouble.” When the deep waters of sin and iniquity threaten to overwhelm us, the Lord strengthens His people so that they are not swept away. When He hides His face, He strengthens them to say, "Though He slays me, yet will I trust in Him." When severe temptation besets them, or they are put into the furnace of affliction, the Lord is with them there, just as He was with the three men whom Nebuchadnezzar cast into the fiery furnace. The Son of God is with them, ensuring that not a hair of their head is singed (Dan. 3:27).

In all their afflictions, He shares their pain and supports them through it. He strengthens them with spiritual strength, enabling them to carry their heavy crosses, bear their burdens, and submit to His will, even when His hand seems heavy. He gives them encouraging words, a tender touch, and the grace to wait in faith until full deliverance comes. Thus, He helps and delivers His people in every time of trouble, even unto their dying day, when He will finally deliver them from this world of sin and sorrow.

Daily Wisdom - April 18

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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