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September 27

Modern Miracles

Many came to Him and said, “Although John never performed a sign, everything he said about this man was true.” And many in that place believed in Jesus. — John 10:41-42 BSB

People tended to disparage John the Baptist because he performed no miracles. But surely his entire life was a miracle, vibrating with divine power from beginning to end. This is still a mistake that people make. Many claim that the age of miracles has passed, and while they might admit that such things happened once, they insist that humanity has outgrown them and no longer needs them.

No miracles? Last summer, God caused the handfuls of grain cast into fields to multiply enough to feed the world, just as He made five barley loaves feed more than five thousand people! No miracles? Last autumn, God transformed the dews of the morning and the rain into fruits that rejoice the hearts of men, just as He once turned water into wine at Cana. No miracles? Next spring, from tiny seeds and dead-looking bulbs, God will again clothe the earth with beauty, color, and fragrance.

Many of us may feel powerless to work miracles. For us, life may seem monotonous, filled with grey skies and uneventful routine. But take heart! The true greatness of life is within our reach if we claim it by God’s grace. Don’t waste your life waiting for some grand opportunity that may never come. Instead, attend to the small things that are constantly claiming your attention, and do them for the glory of God and the good of others. No action, no matter how small, goes unnoticed by Christ. Life is filled with wonder, but we need eyes to see and hearts to understand. Dare to be yourself—a simple, humble, and sincere follower of Jesus. Then it may be said of you: “He or she did no miracle, but through their life and words, they spoke the truth about Jesus Christ, leading us to believe in Him.”


Teach me, my God and King, to see You in all things, and whatever I do, may I do it for You. A servant who acts with this purpose makes even the simplest task divine. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - September 27

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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