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November 6
The Fruit Of The Spirit--Love!
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love. — 1 Cor 13:13 BSB
Let’s emphasize the word "fruit" as contrasted with the works of the law. In work, there is effort, strain, sweat, and exertion, but fruit comes naturally by the overflow of life, as sap rises from the root to bough and bud. Our Christian life should flow from the abundance of a heart in which Christ dwells. Paul prayed that Christ might dwell in the hearts of his converts, so they would be rooted and grounded in love. It is only when the Holy Spirit fills us to the overflow that we will abound in love for others.
We must distinguish between love and the feeling of love. Love is always possible, even when the emotion of love is not immediately felt. Jesus taught that we are to love God with our minds and strength, as well as our hearts. Our mind and strength are governed by our wills, not by our emotions. We can love by choosing to dedicate our thoughts and efforts to serving others for God’s sake, and as we do so, we may find that our emotions gradually follow.
In the passage where this teaching appears, Paul distinguishes between the gifts of the Church and love. After listing all the gifts, he concludes that without love as their driving force, they are worth nothing.
The greatest statement in the world is, “God is love.” Just as we can’t define God, we can’t define love, but we can describe its effects. Dr. Weymouth’s translation of 1 Corinthians 13 says: “Love is patient and kind, knows neither envy nor jealousy; is not self-assertive, boastful, or conceited. She does not act rudely, seek her own advantage, blaze out in anger, or brood over wrongs. She rejoices in the truth, not in injustice. She knows how to be silent; she is full of trust, full of hope, full of patient endurance.”
We should reflect on each of these qualities and ask whether our lives are reflecting these high ideals. May God grant us a baptism of such love!
Lord, my love is like a faint spark; I long for it to burn brightly. Kindle it with the breath of Your Spirit until Your love compels me. Amen.