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November 24
The God Of Peace
The God of peace be with all of you. Amen. — Rom 15:33 BSB
and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross. — Col 1:20 BSB
We all need peace! There are sources of peace that are common to all people—peace from a happy home, a thriving business, and the respect of others. When we experience these, we might be tempted to say, like Job, “I will die in my nest.” We can all understand this kind of peace, but there is another peace—the peace that passes understanding. This peace is too deep for words. It is like the calm depths of the ocean, undisturbed by the storms on the surface. Imagine someone in constant pain, needing continual care, yet filled with happiness. Joy and peace, like guardian angels, are present at that bedside, and hope plays its melody. How do you explain it? This peace comes from the God of peace.
For the Christian, there is always a silver lining in every cloud, a bright patch in the darkest sky, and a turn in the road that brings unexpected blessings. “Wait on the Lord and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land.” What seems impossible becomes possible with God.
The peace of God is the tranquility that reigns within His own heart. It was this peace that Jesus spoke of when He said, “My peace I give to you,” for His own life was filled with it during His time on earth. “The Lord of peace Himself give you peace always.”
There are three things we must guard against, lest they rob us of our peace. First, unconfessed sin; second, worry; third, allowing selfishness to go unchecked. The Apostle says, “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” The word “rule” means to arbitrate. Let God’s peace be the umpire in your life.
We cannot escape life’s trials. There will be times of abundance and times of scarcity, but through it all, God’s peace, like a guardian angel, will keep watch over our hearts and minds.
I humbly ask, O God, that Your peace may guard my heart and mind, ruling over the tumultuous passions that arise. And out of this peace, may I rise to serve You. Amen.