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March 9

Resolve And Defeat

“Lord,” said Peter, “why can’t I follow You now? I will lay down my life for You.” — John 13:37 BSB

Peter’s impulsive spirit struggled with waiting. “Lord, why can’t I follow You now?” he asked. It’s often easier to rush headlong into action, where excitement can drown out discomfort, than to remain steady and vigilant through long, lonely hours.

Peter made several critical mistakes. First, he underestimated the power of the enemy. This was the “hour of darkness,” when Satan was making his final stand to hold his ground. Peter didn’t grasp the intensity of the spiritual battle he was about to face.

Second, he overestimated his own strength. Peter relied too much on his passionate love for Jesus, not realizing that more than emotion was needed to stand firm in the trials ahead.

Third, Peter chose the wrong weapon. He drew his physical sword and struck Malchus, thinking that his dedication to Jesus, combined with force, would be enough. But spiritual battles can’t be won through human strength and enthusiasm alone.

Finally, Peter underestimated the power of prayer. Confident in his resolve, he fell asleep instead of praying, even though Jesus urged him three times to watch and pray. Peter dismissed the warnings, convinced he didn’t need to prepare.

Then the moment came, and Peter’s resolve crumbled. We’ve all failed like Peter, relying on our own strength and strong will, only to discover that it’s not by human effort that we enter God’s Kingdom. But just as Jesus comforted Peter with the promise, “You will follow Me later,” we too can trust in God’s grace despite our failures.


Lord, we long to follow You wherever You lead, but we are weak and prone to failure. Help us not to rely on our own strength or vows, but on the saving power of Your right hand. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 9

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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