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March 27

The Lord Is At Hand

and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age. — Matt 28:20 BSB

These words carry even more beauty and meaning when we translate the Greek directly: “I am with you all the days.”

How fresh, vital, and inspiring they are! Though these words are familiar, they refresh us like a spring breeze filled with the scent of the sea.

We often shrink back from the mysteries of life, fearing its pain, not so much for ourselves, but for those we love. We need wisdom, strength, guidance, a brother's love, and a Savior’s intercession—and all of this is available to us in the wonderful reality of Christ’s perpetual presence.

There are conditions we must meet. First, obedience: “If anyone keeps My word...I will manifest Myself to them.” The path of your life is marked out by God’s providence, whether it involves the routine of daily life or a special calling. As you faithfully walk that path, you will become aware of a glorious Presence walking beside you.

Second, purity: “The pure in heart will see God.” This is the finding of the Holy Grail, as Tennyson wrote! Third, a quiet heart—not necessarily a quiet life, but a heart free from anxiety, pride, or ambition. Meditating on God’s Word helps create this peace, allowing us to sense the Lord’s presence. The Bible is like the garden where the Lord walks in the cool of the day. Read it often and prayerfully, and you will meet Him there.

Finally, recollection: Sometimes the sense of His presence will fill your soul unexpectedly. At other times, when you feel distant from Him, say, “Lord, I do not feel You, my heart is desolate, but You are here!” Faith, not feeling, is the faculty that perceives His presence. Without it, you wouldn’t have recognized Him even if you had been beside St. John on Patmos. With it, we can find Him as near today in our cities as He was in Palestine long ago.


Lord Jesus, You are with us all the days. Give us eyes to see You and ears to hear Your voice, so that You become more real to us than even our closest and dearest friends. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - March 27

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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