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March 17
God Wrestling With Man
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men, and you have prevailed.” — Gen 32:28 BSB
The story of Jacob wrestling with the angel is an example of God’s deep desire to take away everything that hinders our best and highest life, while we resist Him with all our might. There was much in Jacob that needed to be laid aside, so God, in His love, came to him as an angel to wrestle with him. At first, Jacob stood his ground, but whatever gives a person strength to stand against God, God will touch. It may be something as natural as a sinew, but if it prevents us from receiving spiritual blessings, God will touch it. Even if it’s something as small as a sinew, its harmful influence will compel God, the Lover of our souls, to act, causing our schemes to fail and our strength to dry up.
When Jacob finally stopped resisting and clung to his adversary, he experienced a breakthrough. It is good when we reach this point because there is nothing that God will not do for a soul that clings to Him in complete weakness (2 Corinthians 12:7-9).
Three things happened to Jacob: First, his name was changed, reflecting a change in his character. "Israel" means "prince with God." The deceiver and weak vacillator became royalty. There is only one path to royalty—the road of self-surrender and faith. Second, Jacob was given power: "As a prince, you have power with God and men, and you shall prevail." To gain power and influence with others, we must first yield completely to God. Third, Jacob saw the beatific vision: "I have seen God face to face." Our moments of vision often come after nights of struggle. The price is high, but the vision more than compensates. Our sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed. Such is the journey of life! As the dawn of heaven breaks, we see the Angel of Love, and as Christ meets us, we awaken to the royalty of being God's children.
We thank You, O God, that our backslidings, transgressions, failures, and inconsistencies cannot divert Your compassionate love. We surrender ourselves to You. Make us as solid as rock against the seductions of the world and the flesh, but soft as clay to the least touch of Your hand. Strive mightily within us by Your Holy Spirit and perfect all that concerns us. Amen.