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March 11
For Me And Thee
“But so that we may not offend them, go to the sea, cast a hook, and take the first fish you catch. When you open its mouth, you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for My tax and yours.” — Matt 17:27 BSB
Peter had been fairly comfortable in life. He owned a house, a boat, and nets. He was not lacking in material things. But when Jesus called him to “Follow Me,” Peter left everything behind, and soon after, there was a sudden end to his former means of support. So, when the tax collector came for payment, Peter found himself unable to meet the demand. Jesus explained that He was not personally obligated to pay, being free as God’s Son. However, He immediately identified with Peter, as He always does with His troubled disciples. We never give up anything for Christ without Him recognizing it and being ready to cover any cost that comes from our obedience.
The identification between Jesus and His disciples is absolute. When He provided for the tax payment, He didn’t give two coins—just one, to cover both His and Peter’s tax. This action showed that there was no separation of interest between them. He was making it clear that He and His followers are one, and in every situation, He stands with us, not as a distant benefactor, but as someone fully invested in our lives.
There’s a powerful lesson here. We all face demands in life that are hard, sometimes impossible, to meet—whether they are financial, emotional, or spiritual needs. But Christ is fully aware of them all. He will never allow us to be overwhelmed in the struggle. Whatever demands come upon us, He shares them with us: “Take that,” He says, “and give it for Me and for you.”
In every hardship, whether it’s temptation, suffering, or any burden, He reminds us: “This is for Me and for you.” In His victory over death and the grave, He turns to us and says, “This triumph is for Me and for you.” In the unfolding of eternity and the marvels of the new creation, everything He achieves is shared with us. But remember, we must take and give. We must accept the unsearchable riches of Christ, and share them, for they will not benefit us if we do not use them.
Thank You, Father, for our union with the risen Christ. Help us to share in His glorious life and to live as heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. Amen.