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January 9
Christ's Teaching About Trust
Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles strive after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. — Matt 6:31-32 BSB
Let us trust God to care for us! This was the life that Jesus lived.
He wouldn’t even turn stones into bread or eat until His Father told Him to, and sent angels to minister to Him. He speaks to us from His own experience when He calls us to trust our Father’s care.
It’s better to trust God than to accumulate wealth. Moths and rust can destroy, thieves can steal, and all earthly goods are temporary and unreliable. How many people have lost all their savings in stocks, shares, banks, and companies? And yet others, who were never able to save but instead spent their lives helping others, have found that God provided for them “even to gray hairs.”
Trust in God gives us clear vision. When we try to serve both God and ourselves, we become like someone whose eyes don’t focus in the same direction—we lose our ability to see clearly. We attempt to serve two masters, which distorts our judgment. How often has this happened to us? We try to figure out God’s will or make the right decision, but our own interests keep clouding our perception of duty. When we are completely absorbed in God’s purposes, indifferent to our own concerns, everything becomes clear, and we can leave the outcomes to Him. “Take care of my business,” said Queen Elizabeth to one of her ambassadors, “and I will take care of yours.”
Let’s not think that God is stingy with His gifts. When He fed the multitudes, He gave them fish as well as bread. When He clothed the flowers, He gave them color as well as leaves. We have been adopted into His family, and we can call Him “Abba, Father.” Surely this grace shows His special love for us. Would He care for our spiritual needs and neglect our physical ones? The ungodly may worry about how they’ll get by, but God’s children can trust that He will meet their needs.
You are our portion, O God, our Father. You are more than a father or mother to those who trust You. You love us with a tender care that never fails or grows weary. Surround us with Your protection and fulfill Your highest purposes in us. Amen.