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January 3
Christ Our Friend
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you. — John 15:15 BSB
I once read that when Michelangelo was at the peak of his fame, a boy named Raphael, who would one day succeed him, was introduced as a promising student. At first, Raphael was given the simplest tasks, like cleaning brushes and mixing paints, but as he proved himself through exactness, punctuality, and understanding, he was entrusted with more responsibility, until he became Michelangelo’s friend and confidant. In the same way, we come to Christ first as those redeemed from the slavery of sin, and He calls us His friends.
A friend reveals himself. The whole world may think it knows a famous person, but if that person calls me a friend, I expect to hear things directly from him. This is true of the Lord Jesus. He reveals Himself to those who love Him and keep His word in ways that the world cannot understand.
A friend involves his friends in his work. Jesus delights when those He loves join in His work of redemption. For us, it's a great honor, but it's just as much a joy for Him as it is for a loving soul to work alongside a dear friend. It’s amazing that Jesus is glad to have us as His co-workers.
A friend cares about our failures and successes. It's the same with our Lord. When danger approaches, doesn’t He make it a time of special prayer for us? If we fail, He meets us with tender affection, not anger, but sorrow, ready to show us why we failed and encourage us to try again. If we stand firm, He celebrates with us, eager to refresh us, heal our wounds, and restore our strength.
Such is the friendship of Jesus. His love never changes, and its expressions are always faithful. Isn't it worth making every effort to follow His commandments so that our complete surrender to Him draws out His complete surrender to us?
Heavenly Father, we pray that Jesus Christ may become dearer to us. May we love Him as a personal friend and live in constant awareness of His presence. May we have no desire for anything He disapproves of. Let His love guide us, that we may live not for ourselves but for His glory. Amen.