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January 16

Glory To God In The Highest

She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. — Matt 1:21 BSB

Jesus was "born a Savior." Being who He is, the King of Love, it's no wonder that He identified so closely with the human race, which needed Him so desperately. Could Infinite Love have simply stood by and done nothing? Every soul that enters the human family either adds to or detracts from its vitality. Think how much our race owes to the great souls born into it, but how much more we owe to Him, who was in the form of God, yet did not consider equality with God something to hold onto. He laid aside the use of His divine power and was born in a stable, sharing the life of the poorest and humblest among us.

What love for humanity must have burned in the heart of Jesus! His zeal for people consumed Him. Why shouldn’t we have the same passion? Let's pray that the "love of Christ—that same love that burned within Him—may also compel us." Let us be willing to endure inconvenience, limitations, and the wrapping of swaddling clothes, if only we can draw near to others, removing all sense of distance and separation.

"Glory to God in the highest" (Luke 2:14). Nothing has brought more glory to the Father than Christ's humility, even unto death on the Cross (Phil 2:6-11). Humanity has turned to God with a new depth of reverence, as we could not have done if we had only known Him through Nature. Whenever we seek God's glory as our highest goal, it always brings peace on earth. Live for the glory of God, and you will find peace in your heart, with your life overflowing in goodwill and blessing toward others.

The outburst of song from the shepherds as they returned to their flocks, glorifying and praising God, must have astonished all who saw them. We are often too ordinary, too reserved, never forgetting ourselves or being moved beyond our usual state. David said that while he meditated, the fire burned within him. Let us meditate on God's love, on how He came into our world, lived our life, and died for us. Then we, too, will burst into song and return to our daily lives filled with a new spirit (Luke 2:20).


My Father God! Let the motto of my life henceforth be "Glory to God in the highest," for only then will I have peace in my heart and goodwill toward men. Keep my heart in harmony with the song of the angels. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - January 16

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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