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February 10
The Water Of Life Turned To Wine!
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” Now six stone water jars had been set there for the Jewish rites of purification. Each could hold from twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. — John 2:5-7 BSB
Do not forget the importance of obeying the inner voice of Christ, which can be recognized by three signs: it does not ask questions but is decisive and clear; it is neither unreasonable nor impossible; and it calls for obedience that costs us something, requiring us to sacrifice our own desires. “Whatever He says to you, do it!”
Obeying can sometimes be a test of faith. At the wedding in Cana, it was a test of faith for the servants to fill the large stone jars with water. Each jar held about twenty gallons, and filling them would have taken time and effort, especially when there were other guests to serve. But they filled them to the brim!
In your obedience, always give Christ a full measure. It may seem like a small thing He asks—teaching a children’s class, visiting a sick person, writing a letter, offering a kind word, or giving a cup of cold water—but whatever it is, do it heartily and completely! The jar is your opportunity. It may seem ordinary or inconvenient, but out of it may come the greatest accomplishment of your life! When the Lord asks you to work with Him, don’t say, “Please don’t ask me.” Instead, serve Him to the brim! He never asks for even the smallest act without being prepared to supply His strength and grace to make it perfect. It is amazing that He even wants our help. Let’s give Him all we have, and in doing so, we will witness a beautiful miracle—hidden from the world, but revealed to those who serve Him. The servants who filled the jars knew what had happened. As we give our “water,” the Lord will turn it into “wine.” There are secrets known only between the Lord and those who obey Him. The best wine is always kept in reserve!
Help me, Lord, to do not only what I enjoy, but what I ought. Teach me faithfulness in the small things, and through daily tasks may I learn deep lessons of obedience, patience, and care. Amen.