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December 31
Light In Darkness
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops. — Matt 10:27 BSB
Christ often speaks to us in the secret places of our hearts, in the quiet moments of the night, when deep sleep falls upon us. In the darkness, the Master reveals hidden truths. If we listen and obey, we will avoid many bitter trials.
Sometimes, we may doubt whether it is His voice, but we are rarely wrong when the voice reminds us of neglected duties and calls us to take up the cross we have avoided.
There is a music, tenderness, and love in these dark sayings, like those played on the harp that the Psalmist speaks of (Psalm 49:4). The voice that speaks them is gentle and kind, not harsh or demanding. These words are meant to teach us, so that we may teach others. We must experience the darkness, like sensitive photographic paper, in order to receive impressions that will bring light and comfort to others who cannot walk through the same experiences.
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
In living echoes of Thy tone;
As Thou hast sought, so let me seek
Thy erring children, lost and alone.