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April 9
Our Glorious Standing!
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. — Rom 8:1 BSB
The characteristics of this glorious standing are as follows:
It is present: "Now."
If we are in Christ, we don’t have to live in doubt or fear as we await the verdict of the great white throne. That final judgment won’t make our standing clearer or more certain than it is today, but it will reveal the full meaning of God’s dealings with humanity, and we will rejoice in the vindication of His ways. We are already as free from the condemnation of God's righteous law as we will ever be.
It is certain: "There is no condemnation."
We must embrace this conviction and speak with unwavering confidence in our acceptance with God. This certainty opens the door to the rich inheritance described in this chapter. The shadow of doubt has no place in the light of the assurance that the Apostle proclaims.
It is unchanging:
Some people live on a fluctuating scale between condemnation and acceptance. When life is going well, and their heart is light, they feel sure of God's favor; but when difficulties arise, and they feel downcast, they imagine that they’ve fallen out of favor with Him. They forget that our standing in Christ is one thing, while our appreciation and enjoyment of it is quite another. Even if our heart condemns us, our memories remind us of past sins, the great Accuser brings charges against us, our emotions ebb and flow, or our faith weakens—none of these can alter our acceptance with God if we meet His one condition: "no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." This union with the Son of God is made possible only by faith working through love (1 John 3:23-24).
We entrust ourselves to Your care and keeping today, O Lord. May Your grace be mighty within us, working in us to will and to do according to Your good pleasure. Grant us the strength we need for all the duties of this day. Amen.