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April 22
The Midnight Wrestle
Jacob also went on his way, and the angels of God met him. So Jacob was left all alone, and there a man wrestled with him until daybreak. — Gen 32:1,24 BSB
This is our mortal life! We often encounter divine help before facing our greatest challenges, just as Jacob met angels before encountering Esau. Their unseen presence must be counted as one of our permanent advantages.
“Oh purblind souls! We may not see our helpers in their downward flight, nor hear the sound of silver wings, slow beating through the hush of night.” But they are surely present (Psalm 34:7; Hebrews 1:14). If we become accustomed to their presence, we may find ourselves, like Jacob, encountering the Eternal One before whom all else pales into insignificance. When the noise of life fades, when we are alone with our thoughts, it is then that we may come face to face with the One whose delights are with humanity, the Word of God, our Savior, and Friend.
In this first encounter, He will wrestle with us, breaking down our stubbornness. He will touch the source of our strength until we can hold out no more. He may withdraw from us until we plead for Him to stay. He will awaken within us a longing and urgency that only He can satisfy. As this encounter ends, we will learn that we prevail best when we are at our weakest, and He will whisper His own Name, Shiloh—the Giver of Eternal Peace!
Why not seek this encounter with the Divine and let Him make you a prince?
Be not weary of me, Good Lord. I am weak, but You are Almighty. Perfect Your strength in my weakness, and teach me to love what You love and hate what You hate. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.