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April 12

God's Challenge To Man

Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. — Job 38:4 BSB

In this mighty chapter, God draws near to the perplexed and troubled soul, weighed down by the mysteries of life, and reminds us that we live amidst mysteries we cannot understand. We are surrounded by them every day. People often agonize over the unanswered questions that arise from sorrow and loss, shaken to their core by what they cannot explain. Yet the entire universe is filled with mysteries. We cannot fully understand the creation of the world, the separation of sky and earth, or how one affects the other. Light and darkness, wind and rain, snow and ice, storms and sunshine, and the instincts of animals—all of these mysteries defy human understanding.

Yet, we don’t fret over these natural mysteries. We use and benefit from them, despite not fully understanding them.

So, when it comes to God’s dealings with us, we shouldn’t be surprised to find mysteries here as well. God doesn’t always answer our questions by revealing His reasoning. His ways are higher than ours, just as the heavens are higher than the earth. We may not be able to understand His reasons, much like children cannot grasp the complexities of adult life. But behind every mystery, there is a Father’s heart, and He invites us to trust Him. “Little children, you cannot understand now, but you are infinitely dear to Me. I have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now. What I do, you do not understand now, but you will understand later. Trust Me, and let not your heart be troubled.”


O God, in the midst of life’s many mysteries, help us to trust in Your unchanging love. Though we may not see or understand, may we rest in the assurance that You are good. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - April 12

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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