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September 1
Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in welldoing, as unto a faithful Creator. — 1 Pet 4:19
The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. — Jas 5:11
On Thy compassion I repose
In weakness and distress:
I will not ask for greater ease,
Lest I should love Thee less;
Oh, ’tis a blessed thing for me
To need Thy tenderness.
Oh, look not at thy pain or sorrow, how great soever; but look from them, look off them, look beyond them, to the Deliverer! whose power is over them, and whose loving, wise, and tender spirit is able to do thee good by them. The Lord lead thee, day by day, in the right way, and keep thy mind stayed upon Him, in whatever befalls thee; that the belief of His love and hope in His mercy, when thou art at the lowest ebb, may keep up thy head above the billows.