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August 7

If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. — Mark 9:23

Nothing shall be impossible unto you. — Matt 17:20

So nigh is grandeur to our dust,
So near is God to man,
When Duty whispers low, Thou must,
The youth replies, I can.

Know that “impossible,” where truth and mercy and the everlasting voice of nature order, has no place in the brave man’s dictionary. That when all men have said “Impossible,” and tumbled noisily elsewhither, and thou alone art left, then first thy time and possibility have come. It is for thee now: do thou that, and ask no man’s counsel, but thy own only and God’s. Brother, thou hast possibility in thee for much: the possibility of writing on the eternal skies the record of a heroic life.

In the moral world there is nothing impossible, if we bring a thorough will to it. Man can do everything with himself; but he must not attempt to do too much with others.

Daily Strength for Daily Needs - August 7

Public domain content taken from Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary Wilder Tileston.

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