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September 4
Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. — 2 Tim 2:15
I ask not wealth, but power to take
And use the things I have, aright;
Not years, but wisdom that shall make
My life a profit and delight.
— Phcebe Gary.
Another day may bring another mind,
A mind to learn when there is none to teach;
To follow when no leader we can find;
To enjoy when good is now beyond our reach.
A better mind, but not a better time,
A mind to will, but not a time to do
What had been done, if we in life’s bright prime,
When God was ready, had been ready too.
— Thomas T. Lynch.
My Father, help me to have lofty thoughts, and may I not be content until they are carried into purpose. Help me to conquer that which will keep me from an act of happiness, and grant that by thinking of that which is pure, and doing that which is good, I may be made helpful and true. Amen.