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September 1

Remember his covenant for ever, The word which he commanded to a thousand generations. — 1 Chr 16:15

Go forth at eventide,
The eventide of summer, when the trees
Yield their frail honors to the passing breeze,
And woodland paths with autumn tints are dyed;
When the mild sun his paling luster shrouds
In gorgeous draperies of golden clouds,
Then wander forth, mid beauty and decay,
To meditate alone—alone to watch and pray.
— Emma C. Embury.

O ye, who proudly boast,
In your veins, the blood of sires like these,
Look to their lineaments. Dread lest ye lose
Their likeness in your sons. Should mammon cling
Too close around your heart, or wealth beget
That bloated luxury which eats the core
From manly virtue, or the tempting world
Make faint the Christian purpose in your soul,
Turn ye to Plymouth Rock, and where they knelt
Kneel, and renew the vow they breathed to God.
— Lydia Sigourney.

Educate children without religion, and you make a race of clever devils.
— Duke of Wellington.


O Lord of wisdom, kindle me with a love for true knowledge, that I may strive, in the moments I have now, to culture my life. Not by might, not by power, but by thy spirit, O Lord, may I learn and teach thy children. Amen.

Daily Prayer Guide - September 1

Public domain content taken from Leaves of Life by Margaret Bird Steinmetz.

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